
New & Actionable SEO Content

The Goals of SEO Discovery: To inform you about SEO so that you can…

  • Confidently perform your own SEO tasks
  • Stop listening to the “gurus”
  • Learn to come to your own logical conclusions about SEO
  • Help quell some of the many misunderstandings and myths surrounding SEO

About me:

April 3rd, 2012-

My name is Ben Sibley

About 2 years ago I decided to try and make an income online instead returning to my summer job (grocery store – boring!).  I sold loads of things on Ebay: things from around the house, things I bought online and resold, basically anything I could turn a profit on.  That got old pretty fast (I hate Ebay) so I decided to go 100% online and got started with Internet Marketing.  I wasted a lot of time on failed projects (like making EMDs for keywords with zero search volume) until I started this site.

SEO Discovery has been through some major changes since its launch on February 11th, 2011, but stays true to its roots – a place of premium quality content.  Over the last year or so the site has grown a lot in popularity and now receives about 5,000 visitors per month.

I like to work on SEOD and other online projects as much as I can, but my time is limited.  I’m currently a full-time college student which obviously eats up a lot time.  There’s a lot more actionable SEO content coming up, so make sure to stay in touch!

I want to thank you for visiting site and taking the time to understand the objectives and ideas behind SEO Discovery.

Here’s to your success in the SERPs.